Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Should I be worried?

The great thing about the internet is that when you have a question, you can often find someone else who has already been in a similar quandary. Even when your question seems obscure or very strange, chances are someone else has already been there before you. So, tonight at dinner when Isaac gagged himself to the point of vomiting up his just eaten lasagna, I went to my trusty google search for some answers. And, low and behold there was already a chat underway on the Baby Center with this exact problem. Turns out it's very common for toddlers to gag themselves to the point of vomiting. Who knew? Just another behaviour to add to the already long list of questionable things Isaac has already done. Apparently some toddlers do this to get out of naps and bedtimes as they have to be taken out of their cribs if their blankets are covered with vomit. Smart. Isaac has only been gagging himself at meal time. I think he finds it funny. To Markus and myself it's just plain disturbing. I'm not sure what goes on at day care, but I really hope the kids aren't sharing secrets. The last thing I want is for Isaac to discover the vomiting to avoid nap time tactic. As with most things, from what I've read, this is just a phase that will pass. I can only wonder what the next one will bring.

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