Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Month In Zambia

It’s amazing to me how quickly time has passed. We’ve reached the month mark of our adoption adventure in Zambia. What a difference a month makes. It’s crazy how much life has changed in a relatively short period of time. I think back to the horrible waiting game fraught with anxiety and frustration to the pure happiness of meeting Isaac and the absolute joy of becoming a mom. Isaac has shown so many positive changes this month. It’s been so exciting to watch him flourish and develop new skills.

Isaac has become a water baby. He is now in love with the swimming pool. He really enjoys doing “laps” where I hold him out in the water and he gets to kick his little legs as we move across the pool. He also loves splashing in the pool and the bath especially if he gets both himself and his mother wet.

Isaac is now much happier in the car which makes for a less stressful drive for all. He’s also becoming more accepting of other forms of music. While I love a good rendition of Old MacDonald or Baby Beluga, it’s nice to be able to listen to music other than Raffi.

Isaac loves getting kisses, but has also started giving them. While they are a bit drooly, there is nothing sweeter. He has also started to laugh. At the orphanage he was very quiet, but now our days are filled with his laughter, squeals, and raspberries. One of Isaac’s favorite things to do is make raspberries while drinking from his bottle. I think he enjoys spraying himself and his mother with formula.

Isaac is getting stronger. He now loves to stand while being held. Really, anything that allows him to move his little legs and he is happy.

His hair is getting longer. He now has a lovely head of soft little curls.

Another big change in the last month is that Markus had to return to Vancouver. Isaac and I miss him so much and can’t wait until he’s able to come back to Lusaka around Christmas. My Mom arrived one day before Markus left and it was so awesome to see Isaac meet his Nana for the first time. As with Markus and I, it was love at first site for the two of them.

This month has also brought about changes in me. Seeing the culture shock that my Mom went through when she arrived made me realize how much more accustomed I’ve become to life in Zambia. I’m navigating the roads better and know where to go to get the things I need (most of the time). While life here has its challenges as does motherhood, I think we are managing to get by with a few tears, a lot of laughs, and an appreciation for all life has given us.


  1. Now I'm all weepy! These days are SO precious--what a gift you'll have in this blog when you want to look back and remember them. I'm recalling our first days with Matthew so vividly and watching you go through them is making me thrill for you! I just couldn't be happier for you. Ack! It's all too much.

  2. Erin, what a beautiful story! So many times I was moved to tears in my absolute joy for you and your family. I look forward to reading more as your journey continues and seeing more pictures of Isaac as he grows, he is adorable!
    Katie Q
