Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Highlights from Ucluelet and Quadra

We had a great time on our trip to Ucluelet and Quadra Island. Here are some of the highlights:

Watching the storms. When they say the waves are rated as extreme, they mean business.

Walking the Wild Pacific Trail with Isaac. He had so much fun.

Crab feast.

Playing on the beach with Isaac. I thought this was hilarious when he decided to lie down in the water. And why not? Running through the waves is tiring.

Exploring the beach near our friend, Ray's house on Quadra Island. The light was amazing that evening.

I'm always amazed at how lucky we are to live near such beautiful landscapes.

The boat ride to the Kegler's cabin. Such a nice weekend with our lovely friends. Isaac was so excited to be on the barge.

We expected rain and instead we got a starry night. Perfect for a campfire.

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