Saturday, December 14, 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Today was slightly cooler - maybe in the low 20s, so I decided it would be a good time for Isaac to wear his jeans and shoes for the first time. Isaac has several pairs of pants that he's never had the chance to wear - it's just to hot for jeans. We went to the mall for a little Christmas shopping and a coffee.  I sometimes get comments from Zambians that Isaac might be cold in just his onesie and perhaps he should be wearing socks or pants. It's usually 30 degrees outside when I get these comments. So, today I thought I had dressed him appropriately. I guess not - children and babies were wearing toques and ski jackets today. There was one woman who had a baby on her back wearing a toque and jacket, wrapped in a duvet. When we left the mall, it was probably in the high 20s, and we were all sweating in our jeans. Here are some photos from our jean photo shoot today.

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