Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas in Zambia

Classic first photo with Santa

Christmas this year was just a bit different for my family. There were none of the usual triggers to hint at the coming season and start getting you excited. No cold weather, frost on the ground, peppermint mochas at Starbucks, seeing your breath in the air, Christmas lights. Christmas is still a big celebration in Zambia, though, and just like in North America, once November rolls around, there’s Christmas music and decorations in the malls and grocery stores. It was sometimes difficult to reconcile sweating in the hot weather while doing your grocery shopping and listening to “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas”. Most of the decorations are very European or North American themed. Santa is still a jolly white man with a big white beard. There were also the usual suspects in the mall -  Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph.  But, there were also examples of Christmas with an African flair.

Rudolph the Red Nose Kudu hanging in the grocery store. They also had an African snowflake decoration which was very pretty.

It wouldn’t be Christmas without a chicken and a cactus in Rudolph’s barn.

My mom and I had fun shopping for beautiful hand-made Christmas ornaments. I love the gourds.
I didn’t see any turkeys for sale in the store, but you could buy them live on the side of the road. I was amazed at the turkeys calmly awaiting their fate. We weren’t sure how you would get the turkey home in your car – strapped into the back seat? I had pictures in my mind of a turkey pecking at your head as you tried to drive home.

  I had a sobering realization that for many people in Zambia, it’s just not possible to celebrate Christmas. When I asked our housekeeper what she was doing to celebrate Christmas, she looked at me strangely at first. Then she replied that she would be spending it with family. She said, “When we have money, we have Christmas; when we don’t have money, we don’t have Christmas”.  This made me feel so grateful for everything that we have. Christmas was doubly special this year with it being Isaac’s first Christmas and also the day that Markus arrived back in Zambia. Waiting at the airport for Markus, I felt like I was in the movie Love Actually. It was really beautiful to see everyone meeting up with friends and family. Lots of hugs and happy tears. I did my best not to cry and did the classic Gill trick (my mother’s family) of biting my top lip. Couldn’t stop the tears though when I saw my husband walk out into the arrival area and my family had our very own Love Actually moment. It was amazing to see Isaac go happily into Markus’s arms for a hug. We weren’t sure how he would respond to seeing Markus again after so long, but I guess all the Skype conversations helped keep them connected. When we got back to our Zambian home, we had fun opening presents with Isaac. He was certainly spoiled by his family and friends back home. It was great to go for a family swim in the pool. Isaac liked his new bathing suit from his special aunties – Geeta, Sabrina, Cheryl, and Andrea. I liked that he didn’t lose his suit in the pool as had been happening before with his much too small suit. Isaac had a great time playing with his new toys and we all enjoyed the new books at bedtime. All in all, it was a wonderful first Christmas as a family.

It's more fun to eat the presents than open them.

Thanks for the new bathing suit, Aunties.

Isaac and Markus in their new Zambian soccer jerseys.

Thanks, Auntie Kate and Uncle Trevor for the new soother. Isaac is ready for Movember next year.

First Christmas photo as a family.

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