Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A day at the farm

  Today we went to Maplewood Farm in North Vancouver. Isaac and I are just loving this amazing almost summer weather and it was a perfect day to be outside. Maplewood Farm is kind of a staple experience for most kids growing up on the North Shore. While I’m sure I didn’t miss out on the farm as a child, I have no memories of it, so in a way it was a first time experience for both Isaac and me. As with most outings, I find it’s the little things that are most amazing or interesting to Isaac. While the animals were an attraction for sure, the guy washing out the duck pool drew his attention for a few minutes. He obliged us by misting us with the water from the hose which of course made Isaac very happy.

We had fun feeding the ducks.

 Isaac seemed a bit concerned by the small goats. I realized that perhaps the bleating sound they make was similar to a baby’s cry which is something that always worries him.

Happy again. Anything with wheels is a huge attraction these days.

So happy that I get to spend these lovely days with my little man.

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