Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day

 Yesterday we celebrated Markus's first ever Father's Day. I feel so lucky that Isaac has Markus as a father and that I get to share this incredible adventure called parenthood with him. Everyday I feel I learn something from Markus about how to be a better person and parent. He's so kind, generous, and patient. He always thinks the best of others and wisely knows when to choose his battles. I've often thought that great marriages are made between personalities that complement one another and fortunately, I was able to find my better half as they say. I think the same could be said for parenthood. It's so nice to have someone who complements and supports me. Between the two of us, we are muddling our way through this never-ending learning curve in being a parent to Isaac.

My two guys.

  In one of my not-so-well-thought-out plans, I thought it would be great to do a little photo shoot with Isaac and frame the photos for Markus's Father's Day present. The "plan" was to have Isaac hold cut-outs of I heart Dad. In my brilliance, I forgot that everything in Isaac's vicinity eventually makes it into his mouth. Here are some of our photos. I probably should have been more like Markus and have known when to choose my battles as this was a losing battle from the start. In the end though, we ended up with some funny photos and as Markus said, they were so "Isaac".

And part of the "d" was gone...

Typical Isaac move - smash and destroy.

This was the one we ended up putting in the frame. Notice the "I" in Isaac's mouth. He really can't help himself.

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