Thursday, November 21, 2013

And Then The Rains Came

  Yesterday we had our first big rain storm of the season. Thunder, lightening, high winds, and sheets of rain. It was quite the storm. Our front yard became a small pond. Our power was also out most of the day, so there was not much to do but watch the rain come down. After the rain had mostly stopped, we went out to see how much water there was outside our complex. We stood there in utter shock looking at our flooded street. There was about 1-2 feet of water in the street. Brave people were still trying to get by in cars, on bikes, and on foot. It would have been very treacherous as you couldn't see where the pot holes in the road were. I had a moment of connection with the gate guard and gardener, Joe Sam and Justin, as we stared out at the water. Neither of them speak much English, but when I commented that the amount of water was "amazing", we all nodded our heads in agreement looking at our flooded street.

The pond in our front yard.

Watching the rain. Isaac likes water in any form so the storm was very exciting for him.

What used to be our street.

Justin, the gardener, making his way home. Brave man.

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