Saturday, November 30, 2013

In the News

You can learn a lot about a country from reading its newspapers.  The other day we picked one up and took a read through.

Some articles struck us as very similar to back home.
  One article talked about the nurses on strike who are demanding an increase in salary and reduction of nurse-patient ratios. They’ve asked for a 100 percent increase to their base salary which is a bit bolder than our unions in BC. The government is offering a 4 percent increase which obviously leaves a lot of room to negotiate.
  There was information on health care. For example, the government has launched a rotavirus vaccine in the country as a means to reduce deaths related to diarrhea for children under five. The WHO estimates that about 500,000 children under the age of five die each year from vaccine-preventable rotavirus diarrhea. Thankfully, Isaac was able to benefit from this new initiative.
  There were many articles on the government. Seems like corruption and anger about government actions are a world-wide phenomenon.

Some articles were very, very different from anything we would see back home.
There was a full page of advertisements for “doctors”. I’ve posted one below for your review:
Prof Opio Umal, the African traditional herbalist healer who can check your problems using a mirror is now in Zambia to solve problems like, lost lovers back in 24 hours, HIV/AIDS on symptoms, mental, penis and asthma, partners who can’t produce, financial, bad spells, cleaning houses and farms from evil, court cases, boosting business, quick buying and selling of property in 12 hours and exams etc for quick results. Pay after success.
  I have to say I do wonder what “etc” could refer to as Prof. Umal’s skills seem quite far reaching as he has already described. I also wonder how he makes any money if he only gets paid after success. :)
Here’s another one just because:
Dr. Anguzu – Treats more than 2000 deaseases, diabetes, TB, madness, B.P., inpotent, court cases, promotion, business problems, women problems, lost lover. Found in Kitwe.
  I do wonder about the need to find lost lovers. All of the ads referred to this as something the doctor could help them with. It made me wonder if there is a huge market for individuals looking for a lost love.

I should also note that while not in this paper, Canada has made the world-wide news. I’ve had two individuals here ask me about our mayor Rob Ford. Good to know we are making the news for all the right reasons. 

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